
$1.45 CAD

🐟 Digital image of a dollar with Teddy's face on it. Not legal tender or any store of value. No, this is not an NFT.

💰 This product only exists for people that want to donate to me without receiving anything in return, which is done with the extra donation screen at checkout. The total processing fees are hard to calculate, but I should get around 95% of the money that you donate.

🛒 If you're already buying other items at this store, you do NOT need to buy any Teddybucks. For everyone else, just add ONE Teddybuck to your cart and proceed to checkout. You'll find the screen that lets you donate money to me. Yes, I prefer this over Patreon or Ko-fi.

💸 Yes, you could also add several Teddybucks to your cart to make your full donation amount, but I would get 5% less of your money, since that's the cut Fourthwall takes on digital product sales. That being said, doing this would also be really funny.

🇺🇸 US residents: you might get charged sales tax on your Teddybucks. If this happens, feel free to lower your donation to compensate the extra fee. I won't mind.

🌎 Non-US residents: additional taxes may apply depending where you live. I have no clue if Fourthwall is displaying VAT or GST on the price of this item right now. Again, you can lower your donation to absorb any extra fees if you want.

🚫 WARNING! There are NO refunds or exchanges on any purchase of Teddybucks and any accompanying donations. This is literally just a JPEG file that lets you donate to me at checkout. You should know what you're getting yourself into.

Teddybucks specs

  • JPEG
  • 2100 x 900 pixels